NABARWZAN D-220 It is an effective antiseptic when used as a 0.5 : 2% solution, with broad spectrum of activity against streptococci, staphylococci, pseudomonas, Enterococci and others. It may be an option for skin infections cause by pseudomonas resistant to typical antibiotics
-NABARWZAN D-220 is a non-selective. Fast –acting terminal disinfectant for use in a wide range of applications in the food , butchery and poultry industries.
-NABARWZAN D-220 is broad spectrum biocidal action.
-NABARWZAN D-220 is convenient liquid formulation.
-NABARWZAN D-220 is Suitable for use in all water hardness and Effective at low temperatures.
-The formulation ingredients comply in food area product.
-NABARWZAN D-220 has along acting , has no carcinogenic and mutagenic effects.
Based on High Concentrated Peracetic Acid
It is non- selective, non- foaming,